Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Reebok EasyTone Challenge

A few weeks ago I announced that I would be participating in the Reebok EasyTone Challenge this month, wearing my new EasyTone shoes around the house to test them out.
Thought I’d update you all on my progress and how I’m liking the shoes so far.
In general, I have noticed that I can feel a difference walking around in these shoes versus any other shoes I own - It does feel like my muscles might be working harder when I’m wearing these. They’re supposed to make your leg muscles activate more than usual, and the shoes do seem to do that.
But I’m not one to talk up products I wouldn’t spend my own money on, so here’s the honest truth: I haven’t noticed any tangible results from the EasyTone sneakers yet. I’ve been wearing them around the house daily but have not seen any significant change in my leg tone yet, despite it feeling like they might be working.
I have been working out at the gym and eating healthy in addition to wearing the shoes, so any changes I see over the next few weeks will probably be due to those things more than the shoes.
Of course I’ll keep testing the EasyTone sneakers for the full 30 days.. I’m just not expecting much at this point. We’ll see what happens - I’ll update you all again in a few more weeks